Thursday, August 24, 2006

I was just reading about the real cost of Windows (the Micro$oft) one, and what
really  gets me are the people that start talking about how M$ is bad  and everyone 
should move to Linux coz it free, faster, better, safer and if your a geek to boot 
you'll still be able to get hot chicks (well at the very least a sexy pengiun).  
Then there's others that will say Macs are better.  Just stop!

I think I'll stick with Windows as I have my reasons, so if you wish to convience me
otherwise, write to me and we'll both put our case forward and I can almost assure
you that I'll be sticking with MS Windows for a long time to come, don't get me
wrong, I'm not a MS fanboy (or work for MS) and I hold no grudges to the other
OSes.  I have used all of them (and still do to some extent), let's just say I came
from when CPM was the in thing.

I do think linux, macs and ms windows users should just stick to their preferred 
OS and be done with it.  

Just to be fair, here's some points to consider about why windows or linux
(and even macs).

To start off I have the following 'gadgets' that I regularly use:

- O2 PDA, Motorola Mobile Phone, external HDTV set top box, canon scanner,
epson photo colour printer

- Nvidia 7800GS+ AGP video card (of which I would not need or use if I was using
linux or mac), but I do enjoy my games (with all the hype that goes with it).

What's the point of the above list?.. it's 'supported' and supplied applications that
come with it and most important of all... drivers!  

Linux has come a long way, but it's still has a long way to go yet and Macs just went
off on it's own tangent.

So in saying that, I'll go on my own tangent and be happy with what I have.

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